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Reduce second hand exposure to your family,

especially children and small pets.

Patients who receive a dose of radioactive iodine (I131) for thyroid treatment most often are given a greater amount than their thyroid is expected to absorb.  Once you have taken the Radioactive Iodine, your thyroid absorbs as much as it is capable of.  The excess will be eliminated from your body over the next few days, and for an extended period in smaller amounts as it cycles through your thyroid.  Your body releases the Radioactive Iodine through urine, feces, sweat and saliva. 

Children and house pets have smaller thyroid glands than adults. Because of this, second hand exposure to radioactive iodine is a real concern. Bind-It products can help minimize that exposure when used properly along with the guidelines provided by your health care professional. Many of them use Bind-It at work, why shouldn’t your family get that same protection at home?

Cleaning with bleach or acidic cleansers can cause the radioactive iodine to go airborne. This has the potential to spread contamination beyond the washroom or bedroom.

Why use Bind-It?

Bind-It is safe, gentle and extremely effective at binding, trapping and allowing radioactive iodine to be removed from most surfaces and skin. When Radioactive Iodine leaves your body through urine, sweat, etc., it can cause contamination.  If it comes in contact with another person, it may be absorbed and enter their thyroid.  Pregnant women, small children and pets should be especially cautious around potentially contaminated areas. 

How Bind-It works.

Bind-It products work by trapping the Radioactive Iodine in solution.  Then it can be wiped away or rinsed from surfaces that you may have contaminated as the Radioactive Iodine is eliminated from your body.  Surfaces such as toilets, sinks, showers, bathroom floors, door knobs, telephones, etc. should all be thoroughly cleaned to avoid spreading contamination.

Simply spray the surface and the solution starts to “bind up” the radioactive iodine. Then, using paper towels, wipe away the liquid and the trapped radioactive iodine.  These towels can now be stored in an isolated place to allow the Radioactive Iodine to naturally decay. This will take at least 90 days, they should then be safe to dispose of. Read the included instructions for more details.

For toilet bowls, squirt a few tablespoons of Bind-It Concentrate into the toilet bowl, then scrub with a toilet brush. Wait about 1 minute, then flush. 

Detailed instructions and suggested uses are included with your order.

Print this brochure to show your Health Care Professional. 

Click on the picture to download

Click HereFor_Home_Use_files/Bind-It_HU_Brochure_1.pdf

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For more than 20 years, Bind-It has been used by major hospitals, nuclear pharmacies, laboratories and research centers to keep their laboratories, departments, preparation areas and patient rooms clean and free of residual radioactive iodine.  

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43W900 Route 64 Maple Park IL 60151 USA

Tel: 800-542-1123 / 630-365-1000 Fax: 630-365-9687

www.labtechinc.com  sales@labtechinc.com

Does Bind-It Really Work?http://www.i131safety.com/Bind-It/works.html